viernes, 9 de febrero de 2018

Impaled Nazarene "Nihil"

Nihil is the sixth full-length release by Impaled Nazarene. It was released June 16, 2000 through Osmose Productions. Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom plays guitar on the album. Laiho has also composed songs "Cogito Ergo Sum" and "Zero Tolerance". The album recently entered Germany's Index List which means the album may not be advertised in public or sold to minors. The song "Zero Tolerance" is infamous due to its homophobic lyrics (it's not included in the booklet in some editions).

"Cogito Ergo Sum" contains a riff from Alexi Laiho's earlier band Inearthed, from the song "Vision of Eternal Sorrow". 

According to a statement on the band's homepage, this album is officially banned in Germany as of January 17th 2007.

Warning - Osmose CD presses dating from February 2001 up to around 2005 may contain a copy-protection method which renders the CD completely unreadable in PCs and certain modern Hi-Fi systems. This isn't indicated anywhere on the packaging.

A video was made for the song "Cogito Ergo Sum".

Recording information:

Recorded and mixed at Astia Studio in August/September 1999 by Anssi Kippo.

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