domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2018

Vinterriket ":::Grauweiss:::"

Vinterriket is Swedish and Norwegian for "The Winter Realm".

Most of Vinterriket's releases are strictly limited edition and many have had numerous re-issues on various formats, the full details of which can be found on Vinterriket's homepage.

Taken from the official website: "In 1997 and 1998 two rehearsal-tapes have been recorded but they've never been released at all. From 1998 to late 1999 the tracks for the first Demotape have been created."

:::Grauweiss::: is a DVD released November 26th, 2011 as a limited edition of 1,000 copies.

Includes a 16 page booklet.

Album title translation (from German): :::Grey-white:::

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