sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

Impaled Nazarene "Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz..."

Album name means "All Shall be Numbered Six Six Six..." in the Enochian language, which is supposed to be an angelic language according to the writings of the 16th-century English occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley.

Dedicated to P. Murphy and S.C.J. organization.

The tracks on the original pressing of this CD were indexed incorrectly by Osmose, thus the songs ''I Al Purg Vonpo'' and ''My Blessing'' are both one track. The re-releases are also incorrectly indexed, worse than the original, however the official Impaled Nazarene site has the track listings in the correct order.

Warning - Osmose CD presses dating from February 2001 up to around 2005 may contain a copy-protection method which renders the CD completely unreadable in PCs and certain modern Hi-Fi systems. This isn't indicated anywhere on the packaging.

Recording information:

Recorded faraway in pain and misery XXVII Anno Satanas (10/92).

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