domingo, 10 de marzo de 2019

Lunar Aurora "Of Stargates and Bloodstained Celestial Spheres"

Of Stargates and Bloodstained Celestial Spheres is the third album by German Black Metal band Lunar Aurora, released May 1999.

Song title translations (from German):
1. Battle orc (Intro)
2. Black angel
3. The well/spring in the forest
4. Blood tree
5. Bog body
6. Dragonfire
7. Mountain mysticism
8. Putrefaction
9. Wanderer of worlds [Welt = world; Gänger ≈ walker/wanderer]
11. Life of suffering/Way of grief
12. Blood of stars

Produced, recorded and mixed at Tonstudio Hörnix in April 1999.

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