viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Hades Almighty/Drudkh "Той, хто говорить з імлою (One Who Talks with the Fog) / Pyre Era, Black! (Split)"

Той, хто говорить з імлою (One Who Talks with the Fog) / Pyre Era, Black! is a split album from Norwegian band Hades Almighty and Ukrainian band Drudkh, released June 3rd 2016.

Track list:
  1. Drudkh - Золотий кінь (Golden Horse) 08:49
  2. Drudkh - Вогняний змій (Fiery Serpent) 08:46   
  3. Hades Almighty - Pyre Era, Black! 04:18   
  4. Hades Almighty - Funeral Storm 06:37
  5. Hades Almighty - Bound 08:53   
Total time:   37:23

Lyrics of Ukrainian poet Володимир Свідзинський were used on this album:
- Tracks 1-2: "Темними ріками (балада III)", 1932.

Cover illustration by Эдуард Новиков from the book "Вий", 2009.

Recording information:

Drudkh tracks:
Recorded in December 2015 at ViTeR Music, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Hades Almighty tracks:
Drums recorded in Subsunflow Studios.
Vocals recorded in Arkivet.
Guitars & bass recorded in The Horde Studio.
Additional recordings done in Soundsuite Studios.

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