sábado, 19 de enero de 2019

Ancient "Svartalvheim"

Ancient is a Norwegian black metal band from Bergen, formed in 1992. The band released six full-length albums released by Metal Blade Records to date and a variety of mini-albums, EPs and special releases. Ancient used to have the classic raw black metal sound, similar to Darkthrone's works.

Svartalvheim is their first full length, released December 1994.

Track 9 is splitted onto two individual tracks, track 10 is not mentioned on the tracklist. 
Svartálfheimr is, according to Snorri Sturluson´s Edda, the underground domain and home of the Svartálfar (meaning the "black elves").

Recorded, mixed and mastered at Hindu Lyd, between november '93 and may '94. Produced and engineered by Cato Langnes. Co-produced by Ancient. Digitally edited by Sven Erga.

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