sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2023

Svartsot "Mulmets Viser (Limited Edition,Germany, Napalm Records, NPR 327)"

Mulmets Viser is the second album from the Danish folk/Viking metal band Svartsot.

Track listing
  1. "Æthelred" - 3:32
  2. "Lokkevisen" - 3:45
  3. "Havfruens Kvad" - 4:05
  4. "Højen på Glødende Pæle" - 3:58
  5. "På Odden af Hans Hedenske Sværd" - 5:07
  6. "Laster og Tarv" - 3:38
  7. "Den Svarte Sot" - 6:16
  8. "Kromandens Datter" - 3:55
  9. "Grendel" - 2:52
  10. "Jagten" - 4:29
  11. "Lindisfarne" - 3:51
  12. "I Salens Varme Glød" - 5:36
Limited edition bonus tracks
  1. "Visen om Tærskeren" - 4:39
  2. "Den Døde Mand" - 5:56
Album title translation (from Danish): Songs of the Darkness

Song title translations (from Danish):
2. The enticement-ballad
3. The mermaid's song
4. The mound on glowing poles
5. At the point of a pagan sword
6. Vices and needs
7. Black sickness
8. The landlord’s daughter
10. The hunt
12. In the hall's warm glow
13. The ballad of the thresher
14. The dead man

Recording information:
Recorded, mixed and produced at LSD Tonstudio, Lübeck, Germany.

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